
Welcome friends! I have started this entry in the global technosphere because I have been in love with books since the age of 2. Among the busy business of being a new teacher, this is my outlet for sharing thoughts on a love of reading a wide variety of books. My inspiration can be summed up with a yearbook quote from a teacher written when I was 8: "To the only girl at recess I see reading a book. Good for you!"
My blog title is quoted from a classmate who asked me this once. Believe it or not, I've also heard it as a teacher :D

Friday, November 4, 2011

Back to the Classics for 2012!

I'm officially signing up today.  You can too @ Sarah Reads Too Much and get all the details there.  Thanks to Sarah for hosting again :)

As for my reading selections, I'm very excited about my choices for the upcoming year.  This may change, but for now, this is what I intend to read:

19th Century Classic:
Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte

20th Century Classic:
My Antonia- Willa Cather

Classic Re-Read:
Pride & Prejudice- Jane Austen

Classic Play:
Pygmalion- George Bernard Shaw

Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction:
The Hound of the Baskervilles- Arthur Conan Doyle

Classic Romance:
Lady Chatterley's Lover- D.H. Lawrence

Classic in Translation: 
The Reader- Bernhard Schlink (Swiss)

Classic Award Winner:
The Shipping News- E. Annie Proulx (Pulitzer Prize)

Classic in a Country I'll Never See:
Gulliver's Travels- Jonathan Swift (Liliput)


  1. Yay! Thanks for joining in again this (coming) year! I had no idea that The Reader was translated from the Swiss! I love the choices people are already making for the last category.... so fun!

  2. I'm signing up for this one too! My list is going up on Monday. We have two of the same books on our lists, My Antonia and Lady Chatterley's Lover. Can't wait to start this one!

  3. I plan on re-reading Pride and Prejudice as well for this challenge!

  4. Wow, you are getting all classical! Great list!

  5. I'm very excited to see Jane Eyre here! Yay. Have fun :)
