
Welcome friends! I have started this entry in the global technosphere because I have been in love with books since the age of 2. Among the busy business of being a new teacher, this is my outlet for sharing thoughts on a love of reading a wide variety of books. My inspiration can be summed up with a yearbook quote from a teacher written when I was 8: "To the only girl at recess I see reading a book. Good for you!"
My blog title is quoted from a classmate who asked me this once. Believe it or not, I've also heard it as a teacher :D

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Blog Hop!

A weekly meme hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy For Books.

This week's question is:

Since today is April Fool's Day in the USA, what is the best prank you have ever played on someone OR that someone has played on you?

Happy April Fools' Day!

I only remember one:  my dad was a science teacher and loves birds in particular.  It was a cold day and way too early in the season for cardinals to fly by, but my mom thought she'd fool him on April 1st.  She put a bright red plastic cardinal on our backyard bird feeder and acted all surprised to find one.  My dad actually believed her and when he saw it, he thought it was real...until he got the binoculars and noticed it wasn't moving :)  Gotcha!

I can't wait to hear all the funny ones you came up with!


  1. That's a fantastic prank

  2. This is funny. I wish I could come up with something like this. Happy reading.
    Here is my April Fish

  3. So creative. I like jokes like that because they aren't harmful to anyone. I don't tend to like April's Fools Day.

  4. I like that story! Where did she find a plastic cardinal? LOL

    Hopping by!

  5. That's a sweet prank! You have cute parents. Enjoy the hop!

  6. When my kids were little, I tried making an April Fool's Day dinner I saw in Family Fun magazine. There was turkey meatloaf made in the shape of donuts, with white cheese melted on top to look like frosting and tiny bits of bell pepper as sprinkles, vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce that looked like mashed potatoes and gravy, and apples cut in the shape of fries and baked.

    My boys were about 2 and 5, and the dinner totally fooled them! My oldest was so surprised when he bit into each thing. My youngest, though, was so young that he took it all at face value - I guess the visual overcame the taste for him. He ate the entire "donut" and asked for another, still thinking they were really donuts!! We were just laughing about this, even now! A classic moment in our family.


  7. That wasn't too bad of a prank...I bet it was a pretty cool plastic cardinal.

    I am stopping by from the blog hop.

    Hope you have a fun blog hop.

    Stop by my blog if you like to see my answer.

  8. At first I wasn't going to participate in this week's Book Blogger Hop. I'm not even sure why.

    But here I am. And I'm glad! To dispel any false impressions people may have had about me being a old, stodgy fuddy-duddy I'm happy to share some of my very best pranks with you.

    Highlights include - low-grade explosives, eggs and salt shakers. Get all the side-splitting details over on my blog -

    They date back to my younger years as a Brooklyn boy which brings about some introspection.

    I'm going to go pull some pranks today. Look out world! I'm coming out of prankster retirement!
    Howard Sherman

  9. Coming over on the blog hop - thank you for visiting my blog and also for the comments on my review. The main characters of the book were very distinct - the others are just on the periphery and do not over run the main story. It is quite explicit and easy to follow actually.

  10. That a great story. I like the idea of parents pranking each other.

  11. OK, this is really embarrassing...

    I was just cleaning out my e-mail Inbox (which desperately needs a clean-out) and rediscovered the Versatile Blogger award you gave me back in January!! I'm pretty sure I never even acknowledged it, and I feel awful about that. My only excuse is the hundreds of other ignored e-mails still sitting in my Inbox - I just never seem to be able to catch up!

    I already received the Versatile Blogger award in August last year, but I very much appreciate you giving it to me, and I am very sorry that I didn't respond until now.

    Hope you can forgive me!

