
Welcome friends! I have started this entry in the global technosphere because I have been in love with books since the age of 2. Among the busy business of being a new teacher, this is my outlet for sharing thoughts on a love of reading a wide variety of books. My inspiration can be summed up with a yearbook quote from a teacher written when I was 8: "To the only girl at recess I see reading a book. Good for you!"
My blog title is quoted from a classmate who asked me this once. Believe it or not, I've also heard it as a teacher :D

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Blog Hop!

A weekly meme hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy For Books.

This week's topic is from Somer @ A Bird's Eye Review:
Do you read only one book at a time, or do you have several going at once?
Usually, I only read one book at a time as I like to give all my attention to a single story.  Every so often, I'll dip into a second book if the first one is slow-going or if I'm particuarly psyched to start a book waiting on the shelf.
What about you:  are you a one-book-at-a-time reader or one of varying attention span?
Have a great weekend :)


  1. I am also a one book at a time reader. Since I read purely for enjoyment, I want to give my undivided attention to what my current read is.

  2. Hopped in to say hi. I am with you on the one at a time read, although I do listen to a book whenever I cannot physically be reading one. Have a great weekend!

  3. I read one at a time but will put by the wayside if going slow, in favour of another.


  4. Hopping through. I read multiple books at a time b/c my attention span is too short.
    My Hop
