
Welcome friends! I have started this entry in the global technosphere because I have been in love with books since the age of 2. Among the busy business of being a new teacher, this is my outlet for sharing thoughts on a love of reading a wide variety of books. My inspiration can be summed up with a yearbook quote from a teacher written when I was 8: "To the only girl at recess I see reading a book. Good for you!"
My blog title is quoted from a classmate who asked me this once. Believe it or not, I've also heard it as a teacher :D

Friday, January 21, 2011

In All Fairness...

I've been thinking about the recent Literary Blog Hop topic on books that I was forced to read in school that I didn't like, and realized that books I've reviewed & rated a D (Did Not Like, Don't Recommend) include some that I didn't like but actually didn't finish.  Doesn't seem entirely fair, so I've added another rating to my review system:  DNF (Did Not Finish, Don't Recommend).  Makes sense, no?  So all previously books rated D that I didn't finish are now rated DNF.  Consider this little bit of justice served ;)

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